Vedic Time Calculation - Indian Knowledge vs. Science | Vedic knowledge
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Vedic Time Calculation - Indian Knowledge vs. Science | Vedic knowledge |
I told in my previous article (What is Adhikmas or Malmas or Purushottammas?) how accurately Indian astrology describes the day, month and year. And we also saw how wonderful that is. Today, I will take the same article forward and share new information with you.
We (who are interested in the study of Indian/ Vedic knowledge) must have heard many words such as Kalpa, Yuga, Brahm year. But do you know? These are all units used to calculate time. And when you proceed in this article, you will see how Indian scientists (Rishis) were able to calculate time from the atomic level to the cosmic level. They had set standards up to every level. Before proceeding further, I would like you to read this mantra of Rigveda once.
Ved | RigVed | Mandal | 1 | Sookta | 164 | Mantra | 48
द्वाद॑श प्र॒धय॑श्च॒क्रमेकं॒ त्रीणि॒ नभ्या॑नि॒ क उ॒ तच्चि॑केत ।
तस्मि॑न्त्सा॒कं त्रि॑श॒ता न श॒ङ्कवो॑ऽर्पि॒ताः ष॒ष्टिर्न च॑लाच॒लासः॑ ॥
Translation - O humans! The chariot in which the
(trishta) three (sakvavah) is tied (n) of the binders (sakam) with (arpita:)
(sasti) sixty nails (n) like spikes which (chalchalas) means moving and
immovable ie moving and not moving. (Tasmin) therein (Ekam) one (Chakram)
wheel-like round wheel (Dwadash) The wheels of twelve (Pradhyaya) wheels, ie
the mounted wheels, and (Treeni) Three (Nabhaniya) wheels installed in the
navel between the strips and installed in stripe.
In the above mantra, you will feel that in there a chariot is being talked about. Which has one wheel and that wheel has 300 & 60 pins and 12 sticks and there are three navels between the wheels with axles.
But this is the complexity of the Vedas. In these, the fineries have been used supremely. Because, if I say that an entire year of man has been explained in this, then you will find it strange. But when you read it again and pay some attention, then you will understand that there is a talk of a chakra (cycle or circle) in which there are 360 pins. And we all know that any circle is formed with an angle of 360 degrees or say that the circle has angles of 360 degrees. And we know that nature of time is circular. This makes us understand that the sage who composed this mantra knew geometry and trigonometry.
Now the question is, what are the 12 sticks? These 12 sticks are nothing but 12 zodiac signs based on which the months of the Indian calendar have been composed. Now there is another question as well. What are the three navels in this wheel? So at this stage answer must have come into your mind by now. And even if it has not come, then I will tell here that these three navels are nothing but the base of Indian Panchang, i.e. Sun, Moon and Earth. These are rotating on their axis.
Now let us also discuss a little about the sage who composed this mantra. He was the sage Durgatamus. Durgatamus was one of the oldest Angirasa rishis in sage families, and is believed to be the brother of sage Bharadwaja, the seer of the sixth mandala of the Rigveda. He was the eminent and chief priest of King Bharat, one of the oldest kings of the land. And our country (the traditional name of the country) was named India after the name of King Bharat.
Now by this, you must have understood that the sage who wrote this mantra was born about 5000 years ago. And he too was aware of these astronomical events. Isn’t it amazing!
Now ahead, in the above article, all the things have been told in this way so that we can understand how much and how old knowledge has been going on in our India country. These have been fading with time.
Let’s understand the calculation of time, through
the picture below. In this picture, comparing the time with of Vedic units to
the scientific units, I have placed some of their values to relate and better
[1 Maha Kalp = 3.15x10^5 Aeon = 3.15x10^14 Year 1 Parardh = 3.63x10^6 Galactic Year = 1.58x10^14 Year 1 Bharm Vasarah = 3.15x10^6 Magnum = 3.15x10^12 Year 1 Brahm Ahoratram = 8.76x10^6 Millennium = 8.76x10^9 Year 1 Kalp = 4.38 Aeon = 4.38x10^9 Year 1 Maha Yugah = 4.38 Magnum = 4.38x10^6 Year 1 Dev Vasarah = 365 Year = 1.31x10^5 Days 1 Dev Ahoratram = 1.01 Year = 365 Days 1 Ahoratram = 1.01 Days = 24.33 Hours 1 Prahar = 3 Hours = 180 Minutes 1 Muhurta = 0.8 Hours = 48 Minutes 1 Ghatyh = 0.4 Hours = 24 Minutes 1 Kalah = 0.8 Minutes = 48 Seconds 1 Kasthah = 1.6 Seconds = 1600 Milliseconds 1 Nimesh = 88.89 Milliseconds = 8.89x10^4 Microseconds 1 Tatprah = 2.96 Milliseconds = 2.96x10^3 Microseconds 1 Trutyah = 29.63 Microseconds = 2.96x10^4 Nanoseconds 1 Trishernu = 9.88 Microseconds = 9.88x10^3 Nanoseconds 1 Bharmandiy = 1.646 Microseconds = 1646.09 Nanoseconds]
If you looked at the picture shown above and tried to understand, you saw that there are standard units available to calculate time from the lowest level of time (atomic) to the highest level (cosmic). And I am sure you will find the information above important and surprising. And at the same time you must have been proud of your being an Indian and a heritage of knowledge of India. If you like the article, then write your views in comments and share the article with your friends.
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