Sudarshan | Chapter 3 | Face off with Death
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Sudarshan | Chapter 3 | Face off with Death |
Sudarshan | Chapter 3 | Face off with Death
Nine years later ……….
Sudarshan has grown up and goes to school. He is a very brilliant student but a very quiet-tempered boy. While returning from school in the evening, he sits in the shadow of a huge banyan tree on the banks of Yamuna and studies there. At that time his village was a small place and there was no trust of electricity supply especially in the evening, so he used to complete his studies quickly and he likes to sit here and spend time. All this is a part of his daily routine.
This evening was also like every other evening, but today something was going to happen, which was the beginning of a change in his life. He starts his studies. There is a very pleasant environment, the cool breeze is blowing along the Yamuna, the bird is sitting in its nest. A few children are playing nearby, everything is quite beautiful.
Sudarshan gets absorbed in his studies with full concentration. He is neither hearing the bird's house nor feeling the cold wind. Suddenly he is heard screaming, his attention is broken and he pays attention to the scream. It was the screaming sound of the children who were playing there. One of them fell into the Yamuna, he was quite young and could not even swim. Seeing this, without thinking a second Sudarshan, he jumped into the Yamuna to save the child, he gets close to him with his leap.
There are also other people gathered, Sudarshan brings that child to the shore. Some people have to grab that child, but as Sudarshan moves his hand to get hold for self, he was pulled back in the Yamuna. As if someone is pulling his leg inwards. People went ahead to help him, but by then he drowned a lot, some people run to Sudarshan's house and make his father know about this. As soon as the news of Sudarshan's drowning is reached, Trilok arrives at the scene running frantically. He starts crying bitterly after not getting any news of Sudarshan, all the people are calm and support Trilok. Everyone is proud of Sudarshan's courageousness but also mourns his death.
The house of Trilok again has an atmosphere of mourning, remembering the words of that monk, Trilok considers himself guilty of Sudarshan's death. He thinks that I should have taken care of that monk’s word. He starts crying again, people comfort him. Then suddenly a boy comes there shouting, Trilok uncle, Trilok uncle……… Sudarshan
Sudarshan lies there, Trilok asked "where?" Everyone stands up and asks the child where he has seen Sudarshan. The child breathes and says "Out of the village towards the north, there is a small Hanuman temple" he is lying there.
Everyone starts running in that direction on hearing. When people are running from the village, other villagers ask the reason for the rush. Upon discovering reason, more people joined, Sudarshan was loved by everyone. His simplicity and straightforward nature was liked by all, he helped everyone. On seeing this, the whole village starts coming out. When everyone reaches there, Sudarshan is lying on the stairs of the temple. Seeing Sudarshan alive, tears come out of Trilok's eyes. Trilok gets him up in his hands and runs towards the house. Sudarshan is unconscious, few villagers run towards a doctor's house in the village.
Trilok brings Sudarshan home and shortly thereafter doctor arrives, Sudarshan is still unconscious. Doctor checks him and gave him an injection and while writing the names of few medicines on the prescription says to Trilok "he is unconscious due to being too late in the water, I have given him an injection and give these medicines to him as I told. He will be cured soon. Then the doctor leaves and others too. After some time, Trilok thinks that his clothes are soaked, he replaces them. Trilok removes Sudarshan's clothes and he got shocked, his eyes are wide open. As he saw a ghost, Sudarshan's blood veins were much more visible than normal. And he could see blood flowing in veins.
Trilok did not understand anything. With a little fear and a worried heart, he changes the clothes of Sudarshan and thinks that he will discuss with the doctor tomorrow. Trilok sits near Sudarshan throughout the night. And thinks what is happening with his child. He sleeps while thinking.
"Knock", there is a knock at the door, the sound of the door breaks Trilok's sleep, he goes to the door and opens the door. Doctor was at the door. "Was Trilok sleeping yet?" Doctor asked. Trilok replies and says, “I was not able to sleep overnight. It was just a while ago. "Why didn't you sleep, what happened?" The doctor asked. Trilok tells them the whole thing of the night.
The doctor listens to Trilok and asks to get off Sudarshan’s clothes. Trilok does the same, but he saw that Sudarshan's condition is absolutely fine, nothing is happening as he told. Seeing the doctor, Trilok said, I told the truth what I saw yesterday, his condition was not good. After listening to Trilok, the doctor said that it may have happened due to the long-staying in the water, but now he seems normal. Then the doctor examines Sudarshan, now everything is good and he is recovering, his condition is also stable and will be cured soon. And He left then. In a few days, Sudarshan recovers and resumes his daily activities.
Click here for Chapter 2 Click here for Chapter 4
Story Written by - Vineet Kumar Saraswat
[science fiction, science fiction short story, short story, fiction, superhero, superhero story, story, amazing superhero story, bedtime story, storytime, superhero Asia story, superhero origin story, amazing superhero, story of science fiction]
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